Online Sessions

James has been running highly-praised online poetry sessions for Primary schools for over five years now, with schools from all over - from the Isle of Skye to Cornwall, from Cumbia to Kent, from Spain to the South of France.

These are hybrid sessions, part lively and interactive performances of poems - music - fun - a Q&A - followed by a poetry writing workshop. James models a poem on his white board using the children's ideas and then the children create their own versions on the template sheets that James sends to the school in advance. The sessions are generally 1 hour 15 minutes as so many children want to read out their wonderful new poems! Can be for one or up to three or four classes in tandem. When a whole school is involved, James often does sessions within phases - so Years 6&5 then 4&3 then 2&1. EYFS often join in for the first part of a KS1 session or have a 30 minute Riddle & Rhyme time all of their own.

James frequently gets repeat online bookings from schools far afield! .

Sessions on Zoom are preferred as Zoom allows for live music of which there is plenty in James's sessions!